Friday, January 20, 2012

For God so loved the world...

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Hi Carol,

So happy to hear from you. I am very encouraged to hear that you may do my Living With Unmet Desires Bible study. I am teaching that study this fall at my home church here in Nashville and plan on putting the 30 minute teaching sessions that supplement the workbook online. These will all be free. We will start September 19th here, so the first session will be available later that week. I would love to have you "join" me that way. I will put more details on my blog as the date gets closer.

The Lord has blessed me with an amazing, godly heritage, but I took that for granted and didn't really make Jesus Lord of my life until I was thirty. There is truly no better way to live and that is my absolute passion to share with other women, just like me, who have made Jesus Savior, but have not yet given Him control of their lives.

I pray that you would be blessed with the James study. We offered that at our church and women loved it.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your encouraging words!
