Tuesday, February 24, 2009

From My Heart to Yours

Welcome Dear Friends,

I hope you will peruse the blog and hopefully find something that will encourage and point you to Him. I don't want this to be a one-way street. There is a place for you to leave your thoughts and comments and I hope you will. When I led Bible studies with many of you, I always treasured hearing the way God was speaking to you and moving in your life. Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:19-20 NIV Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Music ministers profoundly to my spirit and I have tried to pair the music with my thoughts and life lessons.
Currently I am walking gingerly, but without aid, having broken my ankle the first week of January. I wish I could report that I did it in some daring feat, but in truth, I was dashing around feeding my birds in the rain in flip flops. My bad. God has been so kind. Other than the initial pain of the first 30 minutes or so, I haven't been in pain. So many people have shown such kindness from helping Rell out with food the first two weeks, (when I wasn't allowed to put any weight on my foot) to dropping by and keeping me company. It was my right ankle so I haven't been allowed to drive at all. Rell has been wonderful. I use to kid and say his philosophy was, "If Jesus could rise in 3 days, so can everyone else." In fact he really has tried to spoil me and I've decided to let him.
I would love for you to pray for me. I have been asked to speak at a tea in Marco Island, Fl. They schedule speakers well in advance but had a cancellation and asked me to fill in. It will be March 7th so that is coming up soon. There will be around 200 women and I will be sharing my testimony. I want to be filled with His wisdom, love, and power to be His witness.
Let me hear from you.
Grateful for your friendship,


Carol Ray Lackland said...

Hey carol, just went on your blog...went to make a comment but something about security and it cut me off...so I am emailing instead...of course being on dial up, it would take me a day to be able to check all of your blogs...but the ones that I did get to see were nothing but wonderful. ...you have poured your heart, time and soul into this and it is worthy of praise to the Father for your words of wisdom and understanding. Keep going...what comes after an antique???haha..love theresa

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your blog. I had not listend to Ortega in a while. I really do enjoy his music. This is a great way to share with others. I just recently heard about your injury. I am sorry but at least it was during the cold months when you are inside more. lv u, sl