And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel. Judges 2:10 NASB
I am currently going through a two year reading plan of the Bible and enjoying the more leisurely pace that allows me to slow down and meditate. I am in the book of Judges and what a book it is. Its revelations about man are disturbing, but what the book reveals about our covenant keeping God is astonishing.
I’m sure you have heard this, but it fits so well, “God doesn’t have grandchildren. He only has sons and daughters.” Every generation must have their own encounter with God and should experience His works on their behalf. Otherwise it is just secondhand information and not firsthand experience. Sometimes I will want to tell my grown children something from the past and they’ll look at me and say, “We’ve heard that a 100 times.” It wasn’t that this generation didn’t know about God or know about his acts; they didn’t know him for themselves. Many have been raised in Christian homes and have a lot of head knowledge, but the heart is not engaged.
I want to quote Gary Inrig in his wonderful commentary on Judges, Hearts of Iron Feet of Clay. “I don’t know why, but a yawn is one of Satan’s most effective weapons, and the thing that really troubles me about second-generation syndrome is the effect it has on new believers. I am convinced that one of the greatest stumbling blocks young Christians must confront is not the opposition of the world, but the apathy of so-called established Christians.” Pg.27 Do I hear an amen or an oh me? I said both. Erich Fromm once said that “Hate is not the opposite of love; apathy is.”
Gary Inrig doesn’t just leave us convicted; he gives three causes for the second generation’s failure.
1. They were satisfied with the status quo.
2. They took God’s blessings for granted and didn’t acknowledge Him.
3. They neglected God’s word.
Of course Inrig elaborates on each point, but I obviously can’t include all his commentary. I do think it would be beneficial to pray through each point and ask God to reveal if any are true of us and for the grace and empowering of His Spirit to rectify it in our lives.
I chose the video very carefully to remind us of just how great He really is so that we won’t be satisfied with the way things are and so that we won’t take Him or His blessings for granted. It is full of examples from His word that dare us to believe Him for great things. No more yawning.
MY PRAYER: Lord, fan any embers of my desire for you that are burning low. I do want a pure and holy passion for you and for your glory and your fame. Lord, I don’t want anyone to yawn when they look at my life. I want them to sit up and take notice that Your presence has made a difference. In the name above all names, amen.
MY CONFESSION: I am a letter of Christ written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3b I will not be apathetic, take you for granted, or neglect your Word.
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