Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kept in Step by His Spirit

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14 NASB

Approximately six years ago I sensed in my spirit that God was directing me towards children’s ministry. For nearly 15 years my focus had been exclusively women’s ministry so I was shocked and questioned if I was hearing correctly. Then two years later my pastor asked me to head the children’s ministry at our new church.

With very few exceptions I was never in the sanctuary during the preaching. We were plugged into a small group and that is where we enjoyed some intimate fellowship. After a couple of years I started having some concerns that I was disconnected from the flow of what the Lord was doing in our church. God put that to rest in an amazing way.

One Saturday afternoon my husband came home from work and mentioned that he had been up and down on a ladder all day and his feet were sore from balancing on the rungs. I asked him if he would like a foot massage and who wouldn’t be up for that? While he showered I prepared a warm footbath and searched my arsenal for every soothing foot product I could find. I sat for half an hour and worked on his feet. In 35 years of marriage I am sorry to say that was just one of a very few times I have done that for him.

The next morning at church, I noticed on the platform near the pastor’s pulpit was a basin, towel, and pitcher. I thought to myself, “Well, I think I know what Pastor Jeff will be preaching today.” Then I went about my business and never gave it a second thought until the next morning during my quiet time. The Lord brought the picture of me ministering to my husband’s feet and the display at the front of the church. I heard that still small voice that I love saying, “I can keep you in step with what I am doing.” What had happened at our house God was doing at the gathering of His house. I was stunned. However, He wasn’t through with me yet. When I went to get my mail I found a note from a woman named Sharon Coarsey. She had been in a women’s Bible study I had led and sent me a lapel pin as a token of her appreciation. It was a basin and a towel. (By the way, she apologize that she hadn't sent it sooner. The timing was impeccable.) That was jaw dropping affirmation that I was being led and kept in step by His Spirit. How gracious and kind He is. He was asking me to stay at my post and trust Him to continue to lead.

I don't know if you have concerns and doubts about where you are right now. Take them to the One who desires to lead you. It is part of our privilege as His child.

MY PRAYER: Lord we have received you and believe in your name. You have given us the right to become your children. Thank you that part of that privilege is to be led by your Spirit. In Jesus’ name amen. John 1:12

I am a child of God and I am being led by His Spirit. I choose to follow. I stand on Your Word! Romans 8:14

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