Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Eyes of the Lord

"Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubim an immense army with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet, because you relied on the LORD, He delivered them into your hand. "For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” 2 Chronicles 16:8-9b

I am always struck by the balance in the word of God between faith and works. To paraphrase what God said in 2 Chronicles, "Because you relied on Me, I delivered them into your hand." It was a battle where the odds were stacked against them. Look at the adjectives used to describe what was before them: immense, very many chariots and horsemen, no problem for a God who is just looking for someone He can strongly support. Unfortunately this falls in context of God telling them that in their current endeavor they would fail because they had reached out instinctively to others for help. The arm of flesh will fail them. God may direct you to any number of resources or give you specific directions however, He asks that you give Him that privilege.

I had a friend who was young in the Lord and growing fast. She had a tendency when faced with a dilemma to call someone she respected for sympathy/empathy or advice. One day when confronted with a situation she heard the Lord’s still, small voice saying, “You can take it to the phone or you can bring it to My throne.” That was a turning point for her. The Lord was training her to make her first instinct to turn to Him.

We know from Proverbs 11:14 that in a multitude of counselors there is safety. God never encourages us to be lone rangers who won’t accept or seek advice from those who are godly and mature. He simply want us to “In all our ways acknowledge Him and He WILL direct our path.” Proverbs 3:6

Stay connected to His heart and His life. Seek first His kingdom and ask for the grace to desire to know and obey His will.

MY PRAYER: I ask that you fix your eyes on me Lord, as I fix my heart on you. Help me not to look at the enemies and obstacles in my life but rely on You who are mighty to save and deliver. Lord, I ask that you root out everything in my life that would keep my heart from being completely Yours. I want to know You and in Your grace, know Your strong support. Thank You Lord for rewarding those who seek You. In Jesus’ name.

MY CONFESSION: My heart is completely Yours. My focus is in the right place. No matter what is coming against me, the God of heaven is my strong support. Whom shall I fear? You will deliver me from every enemy. I stand on Your Word.

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