Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fall Bible Study--Jesus, the One and Only

Hey Girlfriends, want to give you a heads up so you can make your plans for the fall. If you have never been in a small group Bible study you don't know what you are missing. It adds a dimension to your spiritual growth that is incredibly valuable.

Come along with Beth Moore on a life-changing journey which will lead you through the hills of Galilee with the Teacher, across the lake with the Master, and, finally, on the road with the Savior--His face set toward the cross. Filmed on location in Israel.

BEGINS: Monday, September 13th (11-week, in-depth study)
TIMES: Daytime Class: 10a.m.-12 Evening Class: 7-9p.m.
WHERE: MountainView Community Church, 1335 Hwy. 64 West
Murphy, North Carolina 28906
FACILITATORS: Community Bible Study Fellowship: Cindy Bradshaw, Debby Intemann, Carol Lackland, Theresa Noland, Lori McClure, Cheryl Miller, Karen Pope, Lauren Steadham


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Source of Our Confidence

I have been reading in the book of Acts. It never fails to encourage me. It always stirs up faith in my risen Savior. Jesus’ disciples had gone from the depths of despair, after Jesus’ crucifixion and burial, to the heights of joy. He had appeared to them through “many infallible proofs.” Acts 1:3 They had waited obediently, according to His instructions, for the filling of the Spirit to become His witnesses. Now they were living it out on the streets of Jerusalem and it was getting them in trouble.

Peter and John had in Jesus’ name healed a man lame from birth. It caused quite a stir and the religious leaders were fearful. They thought they had put an end to the Jesus problem. Now they were trying to intimidate and quiet His followers. All the big guns were called in and they were put on trial. Every eye was on Peter and John. Read chapter four of Acts. It is wonderful to see the wisdom that was given them. I love verse 13 “Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John, and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were marveling, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.” I think education and training are wonderful, but nothing can compare to walking with Jesus.

Nothing would please me more than for people to know that any confidence I have comes from walking with Jesus. Every day we wake up we should hear afresh, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Oh, I know that issue was settled in my life a long time ago. However, if I’m not intentional, I will allow the pressures or lures of life intrude and hamper my time with Him. We have to make it a priority to get alone to talk to Him and allow His word to talk to us. Do you want to grow in confidence in your faith? Be very intentional. It won't just happen. Spend time with Jesus. What is done in secret will be reflected openly.
MY PRAYER: Lord, I want to walk in humble confidence. It is a marvel to me that You call us Your friends. Thank you for drawing and calling me to spend time with You.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How Do You Know God is True?

How do you know God is true?
I could tell a tale or two
How 'bout you?
Cause when your life's on the line
You gotta know He's there for you
Every time, I'll be reminding you

“Songs From the Loft” 1993

I was recently given an iPod shuffle by my daughter and her husband for Mother’s Day. Amazing little gadget. It is unbelievably small, talks to you, and can store and play up to 500 songs.They know how much I enjoy listening to worship music and thought I would love it. I do. Makes mowing the lawn a much happier experience. I can go for a walk and it just slips in my pocket and I’m in heaven.

When I was choosing my songs to download I came across an old gem from 1993 called How Do You Know? I’ve included the lyrics from the chorus. It’s a simple upbeat song, but holds a real nugget of truth. We can use Bible narratives and personal experiences of God’s deliverance and provision to encourage others.

So many people are going through hard times right now. I am praying for people in financial stress, a family desperate for work, some are fighting serious and life threatening illnesses or injuries. Others are experiencing the heartbreak of alienation from love ones. We always have to be sensitive when we are giving encouragement not to be trite or downplay the seriousness of their situation. Pray and seek for opportunities to point them to God's promises and His amazing history of faithfulness and provision.

I recently solicited prayer on the behalf of a family member seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. God answered those prayers in a miraculous way. I sent out the letter from the father describing how God had intervened and thanking them for their prayers. So many responded to his letter telling how it encouraged them to believe God for their own situations. That reminds of what the Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort; who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. How do we know God is true and sufficient to sustain us in every trial? I’ve got a tale or two. How about you? Use those things to comfort and strengthen others.
MY PRAYER: Lord, great is your faithfulness. We have tried you and found your promises are true, you are everything that you said that you would be. Help us to encourage others with the encouragment you have given us. In Jesus' name, amen.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Great Times and Sweet Memories

Daughter-in-law Lindsay, Paityn Jean, and our son, Micah, at the family reunion on the 4th of July.

Our daughter Rachel, her husband Dan, Caitlin and Madeline celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary with us.

It's Been a While

It's been a long time since I have been on the blog. We've celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary with our daughter and her family. They flew in from Washington state with two of our granddaughters. It made it all the more fun and special to have them here with us.

Then we celebrated my birthday in Maryland with the immediate family together including our son, his wife Lindsay, and our newest addition little Paityn Jean Lackland. My birthday happens to coincide with the 4th of July annual Lackland reunion so it is never dull.

My husband's cousin lives right on the Potomac so there is fishing, canoeing and beautiful fireworks all around the river. Her son puts on an impressive display of his own for us. Most of all it is a good time to gather with extended family we see too infrequently.

We took advantage of our location to visit Mt.Vernon, Gettysburg, and while our granddaughters were taken to the Smithsonian, Rell and I went to the Holocaust museum. I was reminded once again of the truth, "All that it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." I'm still processing all that we experienced.

I'm filled with gratitude that our children went to all the trouble and expense to spend this time together. I'm grateful for the ability to travel and spend time with our loved ones. The pages of the calendar of my life seem to be flipping at an escalating rate. I want to savor every day and use it to grow closer to my Savior and those He has given me to love.

We had a great time but it's good to be home.