I have been reading in the book of Acts. It never fails to encourage me. It always stirs up faith in my risen Savior. Jesus’ disciples had gone from the depths of despair, after Jesus’ crucifixion and burial, to the heights of joy. He had appeared to them through “many infallible proofs.” Acts 1:3 They had waited obediently, according to His instructions, for the filling of the Spirit to become His witnesses. Now they were living it out on the streets of Jerusalem and it was getting them in trouble.
Peter and John had in Jesus’ name healed a man lame from birth. It caused quite a stir and the religious leaders were fearful. They thought they had put an end to the Jesus problem. Now they were trying to intimidate and quiet His followers. All the big guns were called in and they were put on trial. Every eye was on Peter and John. Read chapter four of Acts. It is wonderful to see the wisdom that was given them. I love verse 13 “Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John, and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were marveling, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.” I think education and training are wonderful, but nothing can compare to walking with Jesus.
Nothing would please me more than for people to know that any confidence I have comes from walking with Jesus. Every day we wake up we should hear afresh, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Oh, I know that issue was settled in my life a long time ago. However, if I’m not intentional, I will allow the pressures or lures of life intrude and hamper my time with Him. We have to make it a priority to get alone to talk to Him and allow His word to talk to us. Do you want to grow in confidence in your faith? Be very intentional. It won't just happen. Spend time with Jesus. What is done in secret will be reflected openly.
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