Thursday, January 13, 2011

This and That

Since Monday this has been the view from my front porch and back patio. Really beautiful and because I have been sick, I have felt free to enjoy and not fret about what isn't being accomplished. Since we are empty nesters and our grandkids aren't near by it has been very serene. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have kids sledding and building snowmen, running in and out, tracking in snow, creating more laundry than usual, but that's not what's happening. I have bronchitis and an fluid in my ears so life has taken on a different rhythm and I'm just resting and enjoying what is. Every season of life has its joys, jobs, and challenges.

One benefit of the snow is the delightful way it amplifies the beauty of the birds at our feeders. Rufous sided towhees, cardinals, purple finches, tufted titmice, wrens, and chickadees all contending for their time at the feeders. One poor little wren flew into a window and knocked herself out. We brought her in and placed her on a pad, put a little water in a flat container, and covered her with a large mesh strainer so that if she survived and revived she wouldn't fly about and sustain another injury. It took her about half an hour to move from her side to her feet and another half hour to finally hop a little. We released her and off she flew into a large tree. Felt great.

The only other excitement we had was after my return trip from the doctor's office on Tuesday. My husband had cleared the sidewalk and positioned the truck so that I could step down onto the sidewalk. We had used the excursion to restock some groceries and it made it easier to be right at the sidewalk. However, that meant the back tires were on an incline and not on the large flat part of our driveway. Even though it was in park with the engine off a short time later Rell discovered his truck had slid down the driveway into a ditch. We were really grateful because it stopped its trajectory toward the side of our garage. Fortunately he was able to drive it out. Thank heavens for 4 wheel drive. Of course a neighbor we call, "The Mayor of Hanging Dog," had seen our predicament and offered his assistance if Rell's attempt failed. Love it when that happens.
Hope whatever season or circumstance you find yourself in that you will also find as Matthew 11:29-30 The Message says, “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly." Even sick and home bound.

1 comment:

LisaShaw said...

Beautiful photos Carol and I pray that you are feeling SO much better now!!!!

Rest in the Lord..
