Tuesday, November 20, 2012

  But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! Isaiah 43:1 NAS

It seems I have been doing a lot of confessing lately. Here comes another one...I am terrible at remembering names. It has nothing to do with getting older. I have always been really bad at remembering. Now it has morphed into a fear of making introductions.  I've prayed about it from time to time. I've even read a few articles with tips on "How to Remember Names," but I guess it has just never been a priority with me.  I believe this time God is bringing it to my attention that I need to repent, and start applying the power and sensitivity of His Spirit to correct it. If I have to tell someone I need to be reminded of their name, I am going to humble myself and do it.
Sunday my pastor called me by name to make an announcement to the congregation. Right after my announcement was our time to greet one another. I saw a visitor on my left that I wanted to speak to and headed in his direction. A teenager on the right side of the aisle looked at me, stuck out his hand and said, "Hello, Carol." I was really taken aback that he had remembered my name especially since from his speech pattern it appeared he was handicapped in some way. I shook his hand and welcomed him. As I turned to walk away he said, "My name is Josh." I was cut to the core that I had not asked his name. I mean I was smitten in my heart. I was so aware that I am handicapped as well. There was something so plaintive in the way he said it. He knew my name and he wanted me to know his. I should have asked and at least this time I remembered.
We are human beings made in the image of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that I will never get things down perfectly, but if the Supreme Ruler of the universe has bothered to know my name should I not make a genuine loving effort to remember people's names?
The morning after my encounter with Josh I opened a book I was reading and the chapter title was, "He Knows My Name." God has no problem letting us know what He wants to help us work on does He?
Lord, please help me to consider others as better than myself. Help me to make every effort to look at them,  really listen, and esteem them highly enough to remember their names. I want to be like you. You have called me by name and I am Yours.

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