Friday, January 8, 2010

Our Brokenness, His Glory

My daughter told me about a young man who had done a concert at their church. His name is Jason Gray. She loved his music and his way with lyrics. She thought he was engaging and real. She also mentioned that Jason stutters, but totally puts everyone at ease with it. I went to his website which is a treat in itself. Check it out at
What Jason shared about his handicap is profound and caused me to really ponder my own stuff. I'm including part of his testimony below.
"I'm actually grateful now," Jason says, "that my speech handicap never afforded me the option of masking my weakness behind an illusion of competency. Whenever I opened my mouth, there it was for all to see... something was clearly wrong with Jason. I couldn't fool others or myself. I think the best thing that can happen to us is to be 'found out' for all that we are, our religious and human pretenses stripped away to reveal our sin, pettiness, and weakness. Then we can devote our energies to better endeavors than the constant masquerade of sufficiency. The added benefit is that people are able to see how God's grace works in a real person's life. When we come clean about our brokenness, Christ becomes the star of our testimony and not us."

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